About the Malayalee Association of Southampton (MAS)

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MAS is a non-profit and cultural organisation, formed in August 2006. It is a voluntary organisation of the people of Kerala who reside in Southampton and nearby areas. At present at least 250 families hailing from Kerala are believed to be living in and around Southampton.

Training in progress
quality training materials
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We aim to provide equal opportunities for everyone with particular focus on those disadvantaged.

We work closely with our community groups, voluntary agencies and the business sectors that aim to decrease deprivation within target areas. We also work with external groups, organisations and agencies to establish projects to help wider communities.

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Our aim is also:

  • To promote equality of opportunity between women and men
  • To promote positive attitude among the youths
  • To encourage participation of disadvantaged people in the life of the organisation
real world training

Our History

Here is a short video on our history…

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